Hoovers OnlineFind comprehensive, real-time company and industry information. Search fields include location, name, size, industry, type, corporate family, financials. Business signals search includes conceptual information such as growth, countries where business is conducted, spending/risk, technology usage, and features of the workforce and workplace. Use Contacts search to identify individuals by title, industry, and parent company. Find market and industry research, analyst reports published in trade journals, triggers to actionable business events, annual revenues, employee counts, stock data, and financials. Desktop computer access only.
Corfacts OnlineNew Jersey’s business to business directory, Corfacts offers unlimited downloads of company data. Locate company records using a number of different criteria, including location, revenue, number of employees, BJB and SIC codes, and description keywords. Corfacts is also available in print.
Mergent IntellectAccess private and public U.S. and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, company and executive contact information, and the ability to access industry profiles via First Research. Includes Key Business Ratios for competitive benchmarking data from Dunn & Bradstreet's database of public and private companies, including solvency, efficiency, and profitability ratios. Create targeted marketing lists based on consumer data of entrepreneurs and locate individuals by name and zip code. Generate comparative demographic reports by region or zip code.
United States Government ManualThe official handbook of the Federal Government, providing information on the agencies of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches, particularly their programs and activities. Also includes information on quasi-official agencies; international organizations in which the United States participates; and boards, commissions, and committees. The Manual has been published annually in a special edition of the Federal Register from 1995-present.
CQ Congress CollectionAuthoritative information and data on legislation, members, and the history and powers of the U.S. Congress. Tools and data to analyze Congress, as well as a congressional dictionary and information on how Congress works. Search for members by demographics, compare voting habits, and view how they've been ranked by interest groups. View historical information on congress, including votes back to 1969. All data can be exported.