1776 |
New Jersey constitution allows women and free blacks to vote under certain conditions. |
1790 |
Law passes which uses "he" and "she" when referring to voters. |
1797 |
Voting law is revised but the law still refers to "he" and "she" |
1800 |
New Jersey women vote for presidential electors. |
1807 |
Revised voting law limits voting to "free, white males".
1844 |
Second New Jersey constitution limits voting to "free, white males.
1857 |
Lucy Stone refuses to pay her property taxes in Orange, N.J. claiming "taxation without representation" |
1867 |
New Jersey Woman Suffrage Association founded by Lucy Stone |
1868 |
Lucy Stone published pamphlet, Reasons Why the Women of New Jersey Should Vote.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony attend meeting in Vineland
New Jersey women petition state legislature for right to vote.
1869 |
Fifteenth Amendment ratified, giving the vote to black men
Equal Rights Association splinters over strategy and tactics and the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) and the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) are formed
Memorial to New Jersey Legislature by New Jersey Woman Suffrage Association (NJWSA) on women's rights.
1873 |
Women eligible to serve as school trustees, even though women cannot vote in school trustee elections |
1876 |
New Jersey Women's Christian Temperance Union organized in Trenton. |
1880 |
Elizabeth Cady Stanton tries to vote in Tenafly, NJ. |
1884 |
New Jersey women petition the New Jersey legislature for full suffrage for women.
1887 |
Legislature passes law giving women the right to vote in school elections. |
1890 |
NJWSA elects Judge John Whitehead as president.
1891 |
Antionette Brown Blackwell becomes president of NJWSA |
1892 |
Amelia Dickinson Pope becomes president of NJWSA. |
1893 |
Florence Howe Hall becomes president of the NJWSA and remains in that position until 1896 |
1894 |
In Allison v. Blake the N.J. Supreme Court decides that it is unconstitutional for women to vote in school elections, though a later decision allows that they can vote on school appropriations
New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs founded.
1897 |
A vote that would have allowed women to vote in school elections was defeated by 10,000 out of 140,000 votes.
1900 |
Minola Graham Sexton elected president of NJWSA.
1901 |
Josephine Silow Yates of Mattick, N.J became president of the National Association of Colored Women. |
1905 |
NJWSA without a leader until 1908. |
1908 |
Clara Laddey becomes president of the NJWSA
The Equality League of Self-Supporting Women (later renamed the Women's Political Union) formed and focuses on generating support from both Republicans and Democrats.
1910 |
Equal Franchise Society founded in Hoboken
New Jersey Men's League for Equal Suffrage established in Newark
1912 |
Resolution in favor of woman suffrage first introduced in New Jersey Senate. Three years later it passed both houses of two successive legislatures
Lillian Ford Feickert becomes president of the NJWSA. Membership of 1200.
Carpenter v. Cornish heard before the N.J. Court of Appeals. The argument is made that the 1844 Constitution was illegal in taking away rights granted by the constitution of 1776. The court disagreed.
1913 |
Democratic and Republican parties endorse women's suffrage.
Major suffrage groups meet with Woodrow Wilson who offers a vague endorsement.
1914 |
Men's Anti-Suffrage League of New Jersey formed
New Jersey Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage founded.
Grace Baxter Fenderson of New Jersey helps to found the NAACP which supports female suffrage
1915 |
Woodrow Wilson comes out in support of suffrage "as a private citizen" two weeks before the vote
New Jersey Referendum on Amendment defeated in public election by 51,108 out of 317,672. Lost in every county except Ocean
Rev. Florence Spearing Randolph organizes the N.J. State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs
Branch of Congressional Union organized in New Jersey with Alison Turnbull Hopkins as president
New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs defeated a suffrage resolution
Other suffrage groups merge with the NJWSA bringing membership to 50,000
1916 |
National Women's Party forms a chapter in New Jersey with Alison Hopkins as president |
1917 |
New Jersey women are among those arrested in front of the White House
The Equal Franchise Society and the Women's Political Union both vote to disband and merge with the NJWSA.
The New Jersey State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs allies with NJWSA
1918 |
Republican governor Walter E. Edge was pro-suffrage
NJWSA membership reaches 120,000
1920 |
New Jersey is the 29th state to ratify the suffrage amendment |