1776 |
New Jersey's first constitution written in 1776 allowed anyone who was of an inhabitant of the colony and was of “full-age” and worth fifty pounds, and had lived in their county for one year was entitled to vote. This included blacks and certain women. |
1777 |
An Act for regulating the election of the members of the Legislative-Council and Assembly, Sheriffs and Coroners of the State of New Jersey. Refers to the electorate as "he". |
1783 |
An Act for regulating the election of members of the Legislative-Council and Assembly, Sheriffs and Coroners, of the State of New Jersey, and of Delegates to Represent the State State in the Congress of the United States. Refers to the electorate as "he". |
1790 |
An Act to regulate the election of members of the Legislative Council and General Assembly, Sheriffs and Coroners, in the Counties of Bergen, Monmouth, Burlington, Gloucester, Salem, Hunterdon and Sussex refers to the electorate as both he and she |
1797 |
An act to regulate the election of members of the legislative council and general assembly, sheriffs and coroners, in this State re-affirms the right of women to vote |
1799 |
Eumenes: Being a Collection of Papers, Written for the Purpose of Exhibiting Some of the Errors and Omissions of the Constitution of New Jersey (Trenton: G. Craft, 1799). William Griffith, a prominent New Jersey lawyer argues for taking the franchise away from women.
1800 |
Extract from a Letter to the editor from a member of the legislature in support of women's suffrage. "Our Constitution gives this right to maids or widows black or white" |
1807 |
A supplement to an act...This act limited voting to free, white, male citizens |
1844 |
The second New Jersey Constitution limits voting to free, white, male citizens |
1851 |
AN ACT in respect to insurance for lives for the benefit of married women.
AN ACT for the better securing the property of married women. |
1857 |
Report from the Special Committee addressing the petition of Harriet M. Lafetra, of Monmouth County, requesting equality with men
1867 |
Report from the Special Committee regarding striking the words "white male" from the New Jersey constitution.
1868 |
Report from the Judiciary Committee regarding the petition of Lucy Stone and Antionette Blackwell
1869 |
New Jersey petition to amend the 1844 constitution to allow women to vote |
1887 |
An Act giving the right of suffrage to all persons, whether male or female, in any school meeting in any school district of the state allowed women to vote for school trustees
1894 |
The New Jersey Supreme Court decides in Allison v. Blake that legislators may not extend suffrage via legislation in a manner contrary to the New Jersey Constitution |
1894 |
The New Jersey Supreme Court decides in Kimball v. Hendee to uphold the decision in Allison v. Blake declaring that the 1887 law allowing women to vote for school trustees was unconstitutional
1895 |
The New Jersey Supreme Court decides in Landis v. Ashworth that women have the constitutional right to vote in school elections, except for the election of trustees. This decision allowed women to vote on school appropriations.
1912 |
In Carpenter v. Cornish Mary Philbrook (New Jersey's first female lawyer) argues that women should be given the right to vote as the 1807 law was unconstitutional. |
1913 |
Proposed amendments to the Constitution of 1844 had to pass in the Assembly and Senate for two consecutive years. The law required that after the first year of passage the proposed amendment had to be published in a newspaper in each county for three months prior to the next general legislative election, giving voters a chance to elect who they wanted to vote on the measure. Inexplicably, the passed bills were not sent to the Secretary of State so that he could notify the newspapers, but were instead sent to the State Library to be filed with the dead bills. This delayed the vote on the proposed amendment and the suffragists had to begin the two year cycle again in 1914. |
1915 |
Suffrage amendment fails. New Jersey law requires that they wait five years before the issue can be put before the voters again as a state constitutional amendment. |
1920 |
New Jersey is the 29th state to ratify the suffrage amendment |