Materials are available from many transportation sources. They include:
- Transportation Research Board (TRB)
- National Highway Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP)
- Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
- U.S. Department of Transportation, especially the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- Other national, state, and international agencies and organizations.
Most items are available free, many as a result of memberships and subscriptions paid for by NJ DOT. More and more frequently, the source provides digital versions only.
The Research Library contains materials in these formats: print; Portable Document Format (PDF); and links to online items. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the PDF files. The library also has CD-ROMs and DVDs.
Subjects and Access:
Transportation is a very broad topic. As a result, the DOT Research Library has research reports, reference items, and books on a wide variety of subjects. That broad scope includes:
- Aviation
- Bicycles and Pedestrians
- Bridges and Structures
- Construction
- Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
- Landscape and Urban Design
- Legal Issues
- Marine/Waterways
- Materials
- Right-of-Way
- Safety and Human Performance
- Traffic
- Work Zones
The Research Library has study guides and examination preparation materials for civil service, Professional Engineer (PE), and Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examinations. The NJ State Library has a very large collection of these items; they can be easily requested and sent to the DOT Research Library.
As of now, the NJ State Library Catalog contains only a portion of the DOT Research Library’s holdings. Since not everything owned or available appears in the catalog, it is a good idea to check with the Librarian to find out if an item is at NJDOT or can be gotten elsewhere. NJDOT Librarians are actively working to classify and catalog all items and get them up on the shelves as soon as possible.