Newspapers and microfilm are located on the 4th floor of the library.
The NJ State Library currently receives several major NJ newspapers representing a wide range of geographic regions throughout the state.
Newspapers received in print and kept for most recent 4 months:
About 70 older newspapers are available on microfilm.
Find NJ State Library Newspapers Organized by County.
Find a subject index to a Newspaper Clipping File covering the 1950's to the 1980's for several major NJ papers. More information about the clipping file can be found in the Historic and Current Newspapers section.
► Please note: there are some missing newspaper issues/microfilm reels in the collection. Please call ahead to verify that a newspaper or microfilm reel you need is available before traveling to the library.
The New Jersey State Archives, located nearby at 225 West State Street, Trenton NJ, also has a large collection of historical newspapers on microfilm.
The weekly New-Jersey Gazette was New Jersey's first continuously published newspaper. It was first printed in Burlington, and then moved to Trenton.
This image from the microfilm shows a section of the front page of the first issue from December 5, 1777.