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Careers and Employment

Resources to help professionals in researching information about employment, career choices, career and employment counseling, resume writing, and interviewing skills.

Individuals with Disabilities

Vocational Rehabilitation Services (NJ Dept. of Labor and Workforce Development) - Any individual with a physical, mental, cognitive, or other form of disability who has a substantial impediment to employment may qualify for the services through the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS). This page offers links to services, resources, and support

Centers for Independent Living (New Jersey Dept. of Human Services) - Centers for Independent Living, many of them funded through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, in the Department of Labor & Workforce Development, are community-based, consumer-driven organizations that provide information and referral, peer counseling, skills training, advocacy and a variety of services based on individual needs.

State Rehabilitation Council - The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is a partnership of persons with disabilities, advocates and other interested persons. It is committed to ensuring through policy development, implementation and advocacy that New Jersey has a rehabilitation program that is not only comprehensive and consumer-responsive but also effective, efficient, and significantly funded. The SRC is dedicated to ensuring that persons with disabilities receive rehabilitation services that result in employment.

Supported Employment and Specialized Services Manual (NJ Dept. of Labor and Workforce Development)- The 2020 revised edition of the NJDVRS Supported Employment & Specialized Services Manual includes best practices about supported employment, job coaching, specialized services, fees, revised reporting forms and instructions.


O*Net Online (US Dept. of Labor) - Use this site for specific lists of the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) necessary for success in a wide variety of career fields. The site also features Crosswalks, a guide for matching military and civilian job skills. Published by the US Department of Labor.

Career One Stop, resources for military and veterans (US Dept. of Labor) - CareerOneStop offers resources for transitioning service members, veterans, and military spouses.

Veterans Employment Toolkit (US Dept. of Veterans Affairs) - This toolkit is designed to provide you with answers and resources in finding and obtaining employment, as well as making career decisions and excelling in the workplace.

Tips for Preparing for Separation (USAA) - Separating from the military is a challenging and rewarding time. Let USAA’s tools like our separation checklist help you keep track of your finances and plan for the future. (US Office of Personnel Management) - Feds Hire Vets is your single site for Federal employment information for Veterans, transitioning military service members, their families, and Federal hiring officials.

Returning Citizens

Fresh Start @ Your Library - Fresh Start @ Your Library is a statewide library reentry program that is focused on reconnecting returning citizens with their communities at public libraries. The journey begins at a participating library, with a private session with a licensed social worker who will assist you in developing a personalized plan. This plan will identify your immediate needs and offer a personal strategy to help meet those needs.

Workforce Learning Link (NJ Dept. of Labor and Workforce Development)- The Workforce Learning Link provides adult learners with instruction in reading, writing, math, communication, financial literacy, job search, and employability and life skills. It is designed to deliver workforce training programs and services directly to welfare registrants, dislocated workers, and other jobseekers.

Ex-Offender State Resource (from the US Dept. of Labor Career One Stop site) - Scroll down to "New Jersey" to find a list of available services and supportive non-profits throughout New Jersey who can provide resources and guidance

Career Development Center, resources for the formerly incarcerated (Rutgers University) - Your identities can be an important part of your career, and may influence how you explore your options, prepare your story, decide on opportunities, or approach your career goals. This community is dedicated to information and resources that can help you reflect on your identity as an formerly incarcerated student, or learn more about this identity.

Career Planning for People with a Criminal Conviction (Minnesota State Colleges and Universities) - A site that offers guidance on career assessment and planning for returning citizens.

Apprenticeships and Training

Adult Education and Literacy Training (NJ Dept. of Labor and Workforce Development) - Adult education and literacy programs give you the opportunity to improve your basic skills and build your knowledge, comprehension, and confidence.

Office of Apprenticeship (NJ Dept. of Labor and Workforce Development) - The New Jersey Apprenticeship Network (NJAN) is committed to developing a 21st century apprenticeship model that drives economic development through skills and educational attainment by developing and strengthening apprenticeship programs throughout the state, and increasing opportunities for both youth and adults.

Workforce Learning Link (NJ Dept. of Labor and Workforce Development) - The Workforce Learning Link provides adult learners with instruction in reading, writing, math, communication, financial literacy, job search, and employability and life skills. It is designed to deliver workforce training programs and services directly to welfare registrants, dislocated workers, and other jobseekers.

Training Opportunities (NJ Dept. of Labor and Workforce Development) - Whether to obtain additional training to meet your career goals is an important decision. Our on-the-job (OJT) and industry-specific training opportunities provide participants the skills they need to thrive in today’s labor market and obtain exciting careers.

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Trenton, NJ 08608
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